BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Medical Policy Manual



Thermography is a non-invasive imaging technique which measures temperature distribution in organs and tissue (e.g., Dorex Spectrum 9000 MD Thermography System, Infrared Sciences Breastscan IR System, Notouch Breastscan, WoundVision Scout™, FirstSense Breast Exam®, Podimetrics Remote Temperature Monitoring System™, Visual Footcare Technologies TempStat™). Thermography involves the use of an infrared scanning device and can include various types of telethermographic infrared detector images and heat-sensitive cholesteric liquid crystal systems. Infrared radiation from the skin or organ tissue reveals temperature variations by producing brightly colored patterns on a liquid crystal display. Interpretation of the color patterns is thought to assist in the diagnosis and/or treatment of many disorders such as complex regional pain syndrome, breast cancer, Raynaud phenomenon, digital artery vasospasm in hand-arm vibration syndrome, peripheral nerve damage following trauma, deep vein thrombosis, low back pain, and diabetic foot wounds.




The scientific literature has not adequately evaluated the diagnostic accuracy or clinical utility of thermography. The evidence is insufficient to determine the effects of the technology on health outcomes.


Alikhassi, A., Hamidpour, S.F., Firouzmand, M., Navid, M. & Eghbal, M. (2018). Prospective comparative study assessing role of ultrasound versus thermography in breast cancer detection. Breast Disease, 37 (4), 191–196. Abstract retrieved March 18, 2020 from PubMed database.

American College of Radiology (ACR). (2015) ACR Appropriateness Criteria® myelopathy. Retrieved May 16, 2018 from

BlueCross BlueShield Association. Evidence Positioning System. (10:2023). Thermography (6.01.12). Retrieved March 25, 2024 from  (45 articles and/or guidelines reviewed)

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. NCD for thermography (220.11). Retrieved August 9, 2016 from

deMelo, DP., Bento, PM., Peixoto, LR., Martins, SKLD., & Martins, CC. (2019). Is infrared thermography effective in the diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders? A systematic review. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, 127 (2), 185-192. Abstract retrieved April 25, 2019 from PubMed database.

National Comprehensive Cancer Network. (2023, October). NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®). Breast cancer screening and diagnosis. Retrieved March 25, 2024 from the National Comprehensive Cancer Network.

Society of Breast Imaging. (2019). Breast thermography SBI position statement. Retrieved April 25, 2019 from

U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2002, November). Center for Devices and Radiological Health. Premarket notification database K023434. Retrieved August 9, 2016 from

U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2011, June). Center for Devices and Radiological Health. FDA safety communication: Breast cancer screening - Thermography is not an alternative to mammography. Retrieved April 16, 2014 from

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. (2016, January). Breast cancer: screening. Retrieved February 2, 2023 from

Winifred S. Hayes, Inc. Evolving Evidence Review. (2021, May, last update search May 2023). The use of remote temperature monitoring telemetry devices for the prevention of diabetic foot ulcers. Retrieved March 25, 2024 from (14 articles and/or guidelines reviewed)




Policies included in the Medical Policy Manual are not intended to certify coverage availability. They are medical determinations about a particular technology, service, drug, etc. While a policy or technology may be medically necessary, it could be excluded in a member's benefit plan. Please check with the appropriate claims department to determine if the service in question is a covered service under a particular benefit plan. Use of the Medical Policy Manual is not intended to replace independent medical judgment for treatment of individuals. The content on this Web site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice in any way. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider if you have questions regarding a medical condition or treatment.

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