UM Guidelines
Respite Care, Child/Adolescent: Residential Care

Behavioral Health (BH)

BCBST last reviewed June 13, 2024*

Clinical Indications for Admission to Residential Care


  1. Edgar, M.Uhl, M. National Respite Guidelines: Guiding principles for respite models and services. ARCH National Resource Center 2011.
  2. Dougherty, S. Respite for caregivers of children with serious emotional disturbance. The Technical Assistance Center for Life Respite June 2012; fact sheet number 34:1-16. ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center. retrieved from


[A] Program Definition: This level of care is a short-term crisis stabilization response that provides stabilization and safety in a licensed facility or licensed home for children/youth for a three day initial authorization and up to five days total. Respite Care provides the child/youth with an opportunity to stabilize problematic and escalating behaviors. The respite enables the child/youth and family to work intensely with the community providers so that the child/youth and family will be unified within three to five calendar days. The parent/guardian/custodian must agree to take the child/youth back when the crisis behavior is stabilized. If the child/youth is unable to return home within five days, the child/youth will be referred to a clinically-determined level of care or to an alternative living situation. This intervention provides a safe, controlled environment with a high degree of supervision and structure in which the child/youth receives therapeutic intervention and specialized programming. The purpose is to stabilize the child/youth within the five-day period and prepare him/her for reintegration back into the living environment from which he/she came.


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