Applies to BlueCare Only
Evidence Summary
mechanical ventilation (PMV) is associated with some of the highest costs in
medical care. The care of ventilator patients accounts for approximately 37% of
all ICU cases and utilizes vast resources through clinical care needs and from
the standpoint of case management resources. (5)
has been variously defined but a common, accepted (e.g., expert panel
consensus, used in peer-reviewed research on the topic) definition is an
episode wherein a patient requires mechanical ventilatory support for 6 or more
hours a day for 21 days. (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) Whatever the specific method of weaning employed, the vast
majority of newly intubated patients are successfully extubated well before 21
days. (16)
randomized study examining 500 patients transferred to post-acute care after
more than 21 days of mechanical ventilation found that 32% of patients passed
an initial spontaneous breathing trial upon arrival at the facility and were
rapidly liberated, highlighting the need to be aggressive in ICU-based weaning
trials and to be cautious in prematurely labeling a patient
An accompanying editorial concludes that this data, showing such a high
rate of initial ability to wean, suggests that a significant proportion of
patients sent to post-acute care due to failure to wean may instead have
experienced failure to adequately attempt to wean in the acute care hospital.(31) This same trial
then randomized the remaining truly ventilator-dependent patients admitted to
post-acute care with a weaning strategy of reducing pressure-supported
ventilation or spontaneous breathing trials through a tracheostomy collar and
found that the spontaneous breathing strategy did not result in a higher
proportion of patients successfully weaned but did shorten the median time to
successful weaning (11 days vs 16 days). (10) Various studies have reported ventilator
liberation rates ranging between 51% and 67% in post-acute settings. (11) (32) (33) (34) (36) (37) (38)
Patients undergoing PMV should continue to be evaluated for
weaning potential in the post-acute environment. Given
appropriate time and effort a substantial number of the subgroup can be successfully removed from mechanical ventilation and liberated. (33) (38)
Clinical Indications for Admission to Recovery Facility
- Skilled nursing facility (SNF) care is/was needed for appropriate care of patient because of ALL the following:
- Patient is stable for transfer to Skilled Nursing Facility - Enhanced Respiratory Care for ventilator weaning as indicated by ALL of the following (6):
- Intravenous vasopressor blood pressure support absent for at least 24 hours
- No significant acute hypotension (e.g., SBP less than 90 mm Hg)
- Evaluation and plan of care submitted
- Cardiovascular status stable
- Stable chest x-ray findings
- Renal function stable and/or back to baseline
- Pain adequately managed
- No acute severe unstable neurologic abnormalities (e.g., altered mental status, evidence of ongoing CNS embolization or ischemia, worsening hydrocephalus, no use of physical or chemical restraints)
- No acute significant hepatic dysfunction (e.g., new encephalopathy)
- No active bleeding or unstable disorders of hemostasis (e.g., no recent need for transfusion, severe thrombocytopenia with bleeding)
- Adequate nutrition program in place with stable source for long term nutritional requirements
- Treatment plan for comorbidities in place
- No need for respiratory or other isolation, or isolation manageable at the next level of care
- Respiratory stability, as indicated by ALL of the following: (5)
- Safe and secure airway
- Stable ventilator settings, and no need for sophisticated ventilator modes
- Positive end-expiratory pressure requirement 10 cm H2O or less
- Adequate oxygenation (SaO2 90% or greater) on FIO2 50% or less
- Oxygenation stable during suctioning and repositioning
- Prolonged mechanical ventilation present (PMV) - (21 days of mechanical ventilation for at least 6 hours per day, with multiple weaning attempts unsuccessful) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
- Clinical assessment indicates expectation that patient will benefit from and improve (e.g., be weaned) with an Enhanced Respiratory Care program available at chosen facility (e.g., palliative care not more appropriate or preferred). (12) (13) (14) (15)
Hospital Care Planning – Criteria for Active Weaning
- Common treatments and tests include (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22):
- Bronchodilators, steroids, chest physiotherapy, pulmonary toilet (e.g., suctioning)
- Parenteral antibiotics
- ABG, chest x-ray, oximetry
- Daily spontaneous breathing trials (SBT) with interruption of sedation
- Daily weaning parameters
- Weaning barriers assessment
- Enteral (preferred) or parenteral nutrition
- Evaluation of swallowing function (23)
- Tracheostomy occlusion trials (23)
- Surveillance testing for infection (24) (27) (25) (26)
Length of Stay and Rehabilitation Frequency
Goal Length of Stay: 7-days
Best Practice Recommendations
- Recommendation 1:
In patients requiring mechanical ventilation for 24 hours, a search for all the causes that may be contributing to ventilator dependence should be undertaken. This is particularly true in the patient who has failed attempts at withdrawing the mechanical ventilator. Reversing all possible ventilatory and non-ventilatory issues should be an integral part of the ventilator discontinuation process. (1)
- Recommendation 2:
Patients receiving mechanical ventilation for respiratory failure should undergo a formal assessment of discontinuation potential if the following criteria are satisfied:
Evidence for some reversal of the underlying cause for respiratory failure;
Adequate oxygenation - PEEP 5 to 8 cm H2O; Fio2 0.4 to 0.6
Hemodynamic stability, as defined by the absence of active myocardial ischemia and the absence of clinically significant hypotension (e.g., a condition requiring no vasopressor therapy) and
The capability to initiate an inspiratory effort.
Weaning Parameters daily (4) (18) (30)
HR < 120
EtCO2 < 50 or WNL for patient
RSBI < 105
VC > 10 ml/kg IBW
NIF @ least -20 cmH2O
The decision to use these criteria must be individualized. Some patients not satisfying all of the above criteria (e.g., patients with chronic hypoxemia values below the thresholds cited) may be ready for attempts at the discontinuation of mechanical ventilation. (1)
- Recommendation 3:
Formal discontinuation assessments for patients receiving mechanical ventilation for respiratory failure should be performed during spontaneous breathing rather than while the patient is still receiving substantial ventilatory support. An initial brief period of spontaneous breathing can be used to assess the capability of continuing onto a formal SBT. The criteria with which to assess patient tolerance during SBTs are the respiratory pattern, the adequacy of gas exchange, hemodynamic stability, and subjective comfort. The tolerance of SBTs lasting 30 to 120 min should prompt consideration for permanent ventilator discontinuation. (1)
- Recommendation 4:
Weaning strategies in the PMV patient should be slow-paced and should include gradually lengthening self-breathing trials. (1)
- Recommendation 5:
Patients receiving mechanical ventilation for respiratory failure who fail a SBT should have the cause for the failed SBT determined. Once reversible causes for failure are corrected, and if the patient still meets the criteria, subsequent SBTs should be performed every 24 hours. (1)
- Recommendation 6:
Weaning/discontinuation protocols that are designed for non-physician healthcare professionals (HCPs) should be developed and implemented. Protocols aimed at minimizing sedation also should be developed and implemented. (1)
- Recommendation 7:
In patients with slowly resolving respiratory insufficiency, complete liberation from mechanical ventilation (or a requirement for only nocturnal NIV) for 7 consecutive days should constitute successful liberation. (8)
- Recommendation 8:
The removal of the artificial airway from a patient who has successfully been discontinued from ventilatory support should be based on assessments of airway patency and the ability of the patient to protect the airway. (1)
- Recommendation 9:
Unless there is evidence for clearly irreversible disease (e.g., high spinal cord injury or advanced amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), a patient requiring prolonged mechanical ventilatory support for respiratory failure should not be considered permanently ventilator-dependent until 3 months of weaning attempts have failed. (1)
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