UM Guidelines
Mastectomy, Complete, with Tissue Flap Reconstruction

Inpatient and Surgical Care (ISC)

BCBST last reviewed September 14, 2023*

Added to Clinical Indications:

Procedure may be indicated for 1 or more of the following:
  • Procedure is indicated for...
    • [Patient or provider preference over partial mastectomy]*
    • ...
    • Risk-reduction mastectomy (RRM), as indicated by...
      • Significantly elevated risk of breast cancer, as indicated by...
        • [Lobular carcinoma in situ]*
        • ...


American Cancer Society. (2022). Mastectomy. Retrieved January 19, 2022 from

BlueCross BlueShield Association. Evidence Positioning System. (8:2022). Risk-reducing mastectomy (7.01.09). Retrieved September 7, 2022 from (29 articles and/or guidelines reviewed)

National Cancer Institute. (2013). Surgery to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Retrieved July 2, 2021 from


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